Hello there,
My name is Jeremy aka Wi Fye (or my old alias Zinxos). I'm a new voice actor looking to improve the quality of my creations every little bit along the way that I can. So far I've only done 3 tiny roles, all being in Fallout New Vegas mods and I have one sample up on soundcloud from it, if you dare to hear it.
I recently aquired a XLR MIC (Pyle PDMICR42) and a pre-amp (Blue Icicle) in order to capture a better quality recording for now (Couldn't beat a whole $40 for both including shipping but I'll get better equipment in time when I feel I'm more "skilled" to actually properly use it.) Add this to recently setting up a recording space(still a work in progress) and hopefully I can put some beginners luck in as well to make some acceptable quality voice acting.
If you need an extra voice and don't mind dealing with a beginner that's trying to get better, feel more than free to let me know.